Improving our Playgrounds for our Keiki
Our mission is to provide financial relief via fundraising activities to parks in distressed conditions in Kailua Kona. Our goal is to provide better infrastructure to our local families and schools.
Our Keikis Deserve Better
Many local families depend on our public parks and their current conditions at the moment are unacceptable. Our local parks are in great need of repairs. Blue Park’s rubber surfacing is falling apart and there is currently plywood to cover the holes where the slides used to be. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Comments from our local community
Maly! I LOOOOVE this quote: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, COMMITTED, citizens CAN change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.' Margaret Mead 💪
Shirley Tanzella
However we can help, we’re in! Mahalo for taking the lead and supporting our kids and community!
Mehana Kihoi
Mollie is a soon-to-be mom of 3 children living in Keauhou with a love for travel and outdoor adventures.
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much – Helen Keller